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weekend stratégique "comment mettre en place une communauté de pratique", suivi de notre AG
Voici dans les grandes lignes cette annonce traduit:
C'est un weekend stratégique/pratique communityforge, sur le thème de "Comment établir une communauté de pratique". pour plus d'info sur les CdP
Dans un lieu magnifique (logement et repas sur place)
Suivi de notre AG le dimanche en fin d'apres-midi (ou le soir)
Ceci est APRES la conference a Lyon sur les monnaie complémentaires.
Étant donne que notre WE est apres Lyon, nous avons pu faire venir des personnes clefs de LETS UK, TimeBanks USA, SEL Wallones, le projet SOL (probablement Patrick viveret), etc.
Nombre de places limitées. Contactez-moi pour plus d'info [email protected]
Voici l'annonce en anglais:
We are encouraging representatives of complementary currency trading networks in Europe to join us for our 2011 General Assembly on Sunday, February 20th.
We'll be working with the attendees to decide how Community Forge's can be most relevant to their projects, and reconsidering our governance structure and funding strategy.
We'll also be designing a new Community of Practice especially for experienced practitioners to support new initiatives.
It is timed to follow immediately from the International Conference on Community and Complementary Currencies when many prominent actors from Europe will be in the vicinity!
Transport will be provided on Friday the 18th, from Lyons to Tiocan (approx. 90 minutes), the ecovillage outside of Geneva, and the costs of staying and eating will be mostly met by CommunityForge and Tiocan, but donations are encouraged.
Accommodation for Friday and Saturday nights is limited, priority will be given to Contributors to the CommunityForge Community, so create an account, and start contributing today!
Anticipated attendees
Tim Anderson, Community Forge
Preston Austin, Timebanks USA
Jem Bendell, Lifeworth Consulting
Shawn Berlin, community Forge
Leander Bindewald, Independent (Belgium)
Mark Brakken, Timebanks USA
Stephen De Rudder
Stephen De Meulenaere, Independent (Bali)
Annette Loudon, Independent (Australia)
Stephanie Rearick, Timebanks USA
Will Ruddick, Eco Pesa
Matthew Slater, Communitiy Forge
Josh Zeidner, Independent
Mary Fee, LETSlink UK