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Why start a Citizen 2 Citizen (C2C) exchange such as LETS or Time-based?

Structural Organisation of the new CForge public Website

Context :
On the macro level, there seems to be a path of increasing involvement that starts by

Step 1) joining a LETS, experimenting first-hand a time-based currency,

Step 2) getting involved in Local Currency Initiatives (approx. 25% of people active in local currencies have come from SEL).

From there, it’s up to us to carry them even further along the path of engagement by communicating that we-are-all-in-this-together, it is a symbiotic world, and you can also support “empowering the poor” programs in impoveished countries

The major menu items reflect this path of increasing engagement:

Connect Citizens | Strengthen Businesses | Empower the Poor

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