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Creating of you GDPR document

This webform allows you to create the GDPR document for your Association


Warning ! Any change in the administration of your LETS/association must result in the creation of a new webform.

Enter here the name of your LET's/Association
Name & First name of the person creating this form
E-mail address of the creator of this form
Indicate here the internet address of your LET's/Association
E-Mail address LET's/Association
Type of nonprofit or informal association
Where is your website hosted ?

Hebergement Securisé en Serveurs Intra-Europe

certifié RGPD

CommunityForge hosting package
Name & first name of your Local Admin
Local Admin E-mail address
Name & first name of your User One
User One E-mail address

Please check the RGPD certification of your hosting provider !!!


Specify the hosting provider (example OVH, LWS, Gandi, Private hosting etc)
Determine here the number of IT Manager(s).


Warning ! In the regulation GDPR, 

Designating of more than 5 managers at the level of IT management of your LETS/Association is not responsible...

Attention ! A general administration account, used by several managers, is illegal !


Name & first name of the person in charge
Name & first name of the person in charge
Name & first name of the person in charge
Name & first name of the person in charge
Name & first name of the person in charge
Name and first name of the treasurer

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