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Incredible Edible Tormorden gives free access to locally grown food to everyone

Incredible Edible Todmorden gives free access to locally grown food to everyone

Here's the problem:

The rapid expansion of cities is breaking the relationship that people have with the food ecosystem. Although the problem is receiving attention by some city officials, and they are adopting new sustainability programs and policies, it is a time-consuming, top-down process with an uncertain impact. 


Interview with Matthew Slater on Mutual Credit

Posted Feb 27 2018 by Dave Darby of

Interview with Matthew Slater: what’s mutual credit, how can it boost the Solidarity Economy, and what can we do to help? (plus webinar)



The latest news from CommunityForge

Hello to all of you


It’s a long time since we haven’t published a newsletter, not because we had nothing to tell you, but because we were working hard and not really taken the time to communicate well or really optimize our means of communication.


That is the reason why we have decided that the newsletter block will now be visible to all members of your platforms, allowing everyone to be informed. Too many times, our users are completely unaware of who CommunityForge is.



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