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The latest news from CommunityForge

Hello to all of you


It’s a long time since we haven’t published a newsletter, not because we had nothing to tell you, but because we were working hard and not really taken the time to communicate well or really optimize our means of communication.


That is the reason why we have decided that the newsletter block will now be visible to all members of your platforms, allowing everyone to be informed. Too many times, our users are completely unaware of who CommunityForge is.


We have many requests, among the most recurring, there is the one that consists in asking for the possibility to connect to your sites, not only by number or member name but also by email address, considering that it is sometimes a little complicated to remember X different identifiers.

It is now possible! A new module has been launched that allows connection by name and email address.


As you may have noticed, emails from our platforms have often been significantly delayed and sometimes even blacklisted by some mailbox providers.  These are the consequences of the recent implementation of the GDPR:

- Supplier filters have become more stringent and it has become necessary to whitelist CommunityForge emails again.

- Several major communities have turned to CommunityForge sites, which has brought its platforms into compliance with the new European regulation.  Our servers have been put to the test by this significant increase in traffic and we are working to dedicate new servers to this task.

We sincerely believe that the LETS, complementary currencies, Repair Café, timebanks,..... that we support, contribute to answering the crucial issues for the future of the planet and humans.

There have never been so many CommunityForge sites around the world, but it is nevertheless more and more difficult to finance our basic missions: ensuring the follow-up (hosting, security measures,...) of your platforms, making them evolve, developing a smartphone app, offering training, support, events,...

If all the platforms we offer to you for free contributed financially, our NGO's action would be sustained and strengthened. There is no ridiculous gift, even a small donation helps us!

Donations can be made by bank transfer, cheque, paypal or even via Le Pot Commun.

Thank you!


The CommunityForge team wishes you a happy, friendly and supportive holiday season.

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