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Seminar with Pedro Paèz on Monetary reform june 30, 15h

Seminar on monetary innovations for promoting jobs and sustainable development: the experience of Ecuador
Thursday 30 June, 3-6pm, Environment House, Chemin des Anémones, Geneva (room 3)

Lead speaker: Mr. Pedro Paez, former Minister of Economic Coordination, Ecuador, member of the Stiglitz Commission and currently head of Ecuador's Presidential Commission for a New Financial Architecture.

Mr. Paez has a long experience of promoting alternative economic strategies at national, regional and global levels. He would present various monetary innovations to support employment in Ecuador. The seminar will then explore how such monetary innovations can support employment creation through expansion of non-market-based social and environmental services.

The seminar would be moderated by Hamish Jenkins, Programme Officer, UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (NGLS)

Co-organisers: EcoAttitude, CommunityForge, GEN and NGLS

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