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CommunityForge organises a workshop on Complementary Currencies with Thomas Greco Friday 5th & Saturday 6th of Octobre

Thomas Greco has agreed to give two workshops during his visit to Geneva for the United Nations Human Rights Social Forum,

Friday Oct. 5th - 7pm-10pm : presentation of the themes*
Maison des associations - Geneva - Biko Room - Map
- 7pm welcome drink
- 7.30pm start
Language : English, with translation of the main points in French

Saturday Oct. 6th 9.30-12.30 : Discussion/Work groups*
Maison des associations - Geneva - Aung San Suu Kyi Room
Working language French/English, with translations

Sign up here
Donations accepted

Themes :
Complementary Exchange Systems : Requirements and Challenges
System Design
Obstacles and Issues

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