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Community Forge and Community Tools joint statement of intent

Community Forge and Community Tools are pleased to announce their intention to work together on a software platform to support the activities of real-world communities. We intend to build reusable software components and supply them to local governments and community groups who understand the profound need to build local infrastructure and organise at the local level.

The two nonprofits have independently developed hosted community software which is in use by to around 40 communities each. Both organisations are poised to move to the next level of engagement, and feel that by joining forces they are able to present a more viable proposition.

Community Forge brings to the table its understanding of community money systems and a web of relationships and expertise. Community Tools has experience in organizing local communities, working with local governments and the capacity to take on medium-sized IT contracts.

Both organisations are committed to open-source development, and to making everything produced as re-usable as possible. “These are interesting times. The people and communities who will thrive in the next decade will be those who take matters into their own hands now.” said Matthew Slater, of Community Forge. The two organisations seek to build partnerships with Transition Towns, TimeBanks, the LETS movement, and with local governments.

Contact • Madle Lippus ([email protected]) •Tim Anderson ([email protected])

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