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Money & Society MOOC review

After eight runs and over 500 graduates, the Money & Society massive online open course (MOOC) has now switched to presentation only mode. That means the course is no longer running but anyone can view the presentations. The software and content of the MOOC was developed by Community Forge co-founder Matthew Slater and Professor Jem Bendell of the University of Cumbria, with the two also serving as tutors.

Spring 2020. Let the LETS bloom!

In 2010, following in the footsteps of other LETS, we formed our SELesneux, both out of solidarity and out of concern to prevent a possible social shock.
The Star has become our currency of exchange, a stable currency, with no possibility of speculation, devaluation, or misappropriation.


Rwanda's Umuganda

Narrative@communityforge collects stories for you, from all over the world, that share the same core values of solidarity, cooperation and fairness.



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