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About us

Presentation of CommunityForge

  • CommunityForge Founders
    • Matthew Slater United Kingdom
    • Tim Anderson Switzerland
  • Our platform developer
    • Matthew Slater United Kingdom

    CommunityForge is fortunate to benefit from the collaboration of an exceptional volunteer developer, Matthew Slater, developer under Drupal, who is always listening to the users and support members. His creative work and his concern to constantly improve the tool that he has created constitute the pillar of CommunityForge.

  • A team that is always ready to intervene on the servers in order to make all communities accessible.
    • Matthew Slater United Kingdom
    • Phil Stevens New-Zealand *
    • Francois Meeus Belgium
  • A volunteer support team who, day after day, support the communities through the helpdesk or directly, via tickets, e-mails or skype and direct help within the communities when possible:
    • Matthieu Fémel France
    • Myriam Slegten Belgiume
    • Laurence Dumas France
    • Laurent Le Mée France
    • Francois Meeus Belgium
  • The CommunityForge administration committee is composed as follows:
    • President: Tim Anderson
    • Project Manager: Matthew Slater
    • Vice-Président: François Meeus
    • Trésorier: Christian Mauron
    • Secrétaire: Myriam Slegten
    • Membres du comité:
      • Laurent Le Mee
      • Laurence Dumas
      • Matthieu Fémel
    • Vérificatrice des comptes: Michèle Tilman
  • CommunityForge pays special attention to various aspects of its services:
    • A constantly evolving platform by a constant development of our own tools. A team that is committed to facing new challenges and to maintaining IT safety. Your data is secured and protected by our regularly updated safety measures.
    • Confidentiality of data: Yourdata protected on our platforms are not transmitted to third parties
    • Transparency: An accounting team that reports, on the site or during the General Meeting, about the association’s accounts, “gifts”, “expenses”, “cost evolution.”
    • Free services: Our “software, hosting, support”services are proposed for free, we subsist thanks to the gifts from certain communities that we host.
    • The proximity: Evenif we are separated by great distances, we are close to you in our actions, our support and our assistance.
    • CommunityForge support France  the French branch of CommunityForge, created to ensure the proximity and the follow up that our French friends needed in order to facilitate contacts, meetings, and to allow gifts made in checks.
      • Matthieu Fémel
      • Laurence Dumas
      • Laurent Le Mée

Non-exhaustive map of sites hosted by CommunityForge

CommunityForge and its members’ motivation is: To create connection rather than property
Our desire reflects a lifestyle choice, a desire to position ourselves, to blossom, to experience mutual aid, to resist the dominant system, with the desire to see the world evolve towards more citizenship and solidarity.


*Unlike all persons mentioned above, Phil Stevens is compensated by CommunityForge for a part of his management work.

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