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Could this local experiment be the start of a national transformation? George Monbiot

One London borough has been bringing people together to work, socialise and dream. The results are extraordinary.


Three women architects re-use construction site waste to renovate the homes of people in a precarious situation


Nathalie  August 21, 2019  ENVIRONMENT, INNOVATION


A 100% women's initiative to help those in poor housing! The association collects waste from building sites to renovate the homes of people in need.

Waste recycling is at the heart of the concerns of the public authorities (by promoting refundable bottles) but  some associations have also made recycling materials their main focus.


Maintenance on our servers

Our servers will be undergoing major maintenance!
All our sites will be unavailable between midnight and 3am, two nights in a row, on November 20th and 21st.
The CommunityForge team


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