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Lyon Conference 2011

At Lyon, we were surrounded by friends! Several of us took notes, which you can find here. While Tim has strong relations with the French-speaking SEL and CC movement, Matthew knows many from the international movement, and we met many of them for the first time in person. We didn't present a paper, but made our presence felt in other ways, most notably by printing 200 large flyers for the CC Mag and being part of the discussion on the future of CC tools. CommunityForge was the only conference participant to "practice what we preach". Twelve people stayed in Lyon using complementary currency units we built up through our work with Route des SEL. Danny Ginzberg was one of our hosts, and on the first night, we invited Tim Jenkin and Stephen & Ochie deMeulenaere over for a home-cooked dinner created by Shawn and Josh. Thank you Danny for helping this happen. We were interviewed a couple of times, and photographed with our respective moneys. We met with New Economics Foundation and Qoin to follow up on their recent Request For Information and and discussed the future of CC software. We interviewed Stephen De Meulenaere for the CC Mag, and thanked Bernard Lietaer for featuring previously. We spoke extensively with a nascent Spanish Co-op, and met new people from all over Europe. Oh, and several people delivered papers too.

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