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CF Training in Paris from the 25 to 28th of March

We will be trying a new CF training format in Paris in preparation for a Tour de France this Spring (more information later).
Schemes that are interested in using a CF installation, will make a request before Friday, and then prepare their sites over the course of the weekend. The goal is for them to be able to launch on the following Monday if they so choose.
We still have spots available, you can sign up here


February was a very exciting month for Community Forge, with the Lyon Conference and the Tiocan weekend, and their resulting projects.

Tim and Matthew are all in together, and have been for two years. Tim takes the decisions and speaks French, while Matthew does the software and maintains relationships with users of the software all over the world. Building on this foundation,

    Seminar with Pedro Paèz on Monetary reform june 30, 15h

    Seminar on monetary innovations for promoting jobs and sustainable development: the experience of Ecuador
    Thursday 30 June, 3-6pm, Environment House, Chemin des Anémones, Geneva (room 3)

    Lead speaker: Mr. Pedro Paez, former Minister of Economic Coordination, Ecuador, member of the Stiglitz Commission and currently head of Ecuador's Presidential Commission for a New Financial Architecture.

    19 Local French Economies enabled in a single day

    At the annual summer National InterSEL camp in France, we held a one-day workshop and set up our free tool for 19 communities; training community leaders to manage their activities and accounts. Local Economies were set up in Paris, Lyon, Orléans, Bordeaux, Lille, Toulouse, Nantes, Niort and others


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