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General Assembly and training days...fully booked

FULLY BOOKED... Thank you all

The General assembly and the training days will take place in Switzerand, in Jaun ( on march 27th, 28th and 29th 2015 You can also participate in the GA by skype (on friday at 5PM) Sites administrators should register rapidly with this form, if interested For more information, please, contact us at [email protected]

Newsletter mar 2014

Newsletter dec 2013

CForge co-organises a conférence with Jean-Michel Servet and Frédérique Bosqué

The 27th of March 2013, Community Forge co-organised a conference on Complementary Currencies and guaranteed basic income at the Maison des Associations in Geneva.
Jean-Michel Servet, a professor at the Graduate Institute, and Frédéric Bosqué, one of the founders of the SOL Violette Toulouse, gave conferences and fielded questions from the audience of 80 people from 6.30pm to 10.30 pm.
Link to Flyer (in French)


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