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Jem Bendell @ Davos

Our strategic advisor Prof Jem Bendell speaks about monetary ignorance amongst the elites at the World Economic Forum.

Workshop game 'Trading floor'

This game is designed to show participants in workshops

  1. how trade is affected by the availability of money
  2. the inevitable result of using debt as money
  3. how money is separate from real value

New timebank in Tel Aviv

Our engineer Matthew Slater was invited to Israel along with reformer Ben Dyson to present his software at a monetary reform event. Complementing Ben's talk about money, government and banking, Matthew showed how locally issued fiat currencies could be used to manfiest local values, and how emphasising accounting metrics other than the actual balance (total earned minus total spent) can indicate a user's contribution to the community.

Wendell Berry's 17 Rules For A Sustainable Economy

1. Always ask of any proposed change or innovation: What will this do to our community? How will this affect our common wealth.
2. Always include local nature – the land, the water, the air, the native creatures – within the membership of the community.
3. Always ask how local needs might be supplied from local sources, including the mutual help of neighbors.
4. Always supply local needs first (and only then think of exporting products – first to nearby cities, then to others).


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