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Merger of CommunityForge Switzerland (NGO) and CommunityForge support France

To all our users....


Since its inception, CommunityForge has had a main office in Switzerland and a second office in France.


At the time of the association's creation, this approach made sense since both founders resided in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland, but it was nevertheless necessary to have a structure in France to facilitate contacts with members of French sites.

Now, given the evolution of the CommunityForge association, the existence of the two offices is no longer necessary.

We have therefore decided to simplify management and reduce the administrative burden on volunteers by merging "CommunityForge Switzerland" and "CommunityForge Support France" into a single "CommunityForge" entity located in France. (GA of 27 April and 11 May 2021).

As the team members have always worked in both associations, this merger will not affect the missions and services, support and mutual aid... initially offered by CForge.

Some of our communities who participated in the common effort by making "donations" to the association, via the Swiss bank, will have to do so in France according to the indications specified on the CommunityForge website:



Let's continue the great CommunityForge adventure together


The CForge team of volunteers

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