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happy new year 2025

In this new year of 2025, the entire CForge team wishes you the best of health, happiness and success. Once again this year, we will be committed to growing our commitment to a more caring and connected world.

The CForge websites are not just information centres, but real bridges that bring together people, ideas and initiatives. They are designed to encourage exchange, collaboration and encounters between people who share the same values: helping each other, supporting each other and strengthening social ties.

In 2025, we aim to take this approach even further. Every click on our platforms must become an act of solidarity, every interaction a step towards a more inclusive society. We believe that, thanks to the power of digital technology and the richness of the links we forge together, we can meet the social challenges of our time and create an environment where everyone feels valued, listened to and supported.

We wish you a year full of positive initiatives, rewarding encounters and meaningful projects. Together, let's continue to build a future where the human bond is at the heart of our actions.

May 2025 be a year of strengthened solidarity, fruitful exchanges and authentic connections for a fairer and more united world!

The CForge team

We'd like to take this opportunity to remind you that CommunityForge lives and breathes by the voluntary donations made by our communities.
So that our sites don't become ‘paying’ sites, because they're paid for by just a few (one?) of you, we'd like to thank all those who can support us, even in a small way.
link to donations:


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