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Túmin: the alternative currency rebuilding community in Mexico



In southern Mexico, Itzel Castro sits behind the counter at a small artisanal store tucked along a colourful side street. She welcomes customers as they browse shelves stacked full of food, books and accessories. When the customers check out, Castro offers them change – not in pesos, but in Túmin.


Merger of CommunityForge Switzerland (NGO) and CommunityForge support France

To all our users....


Since its inception, CommunityForge has had a main office in Switzerland and a second office in France.


At the time of the association's creation, this approach made sense since both founders resided in the canton of Geneva in Switzerland, but it was nevertheless necessary to have a structure in France to facilitate contacts with members of French sites.

Now, given the evolution of the CommunityForge association, the existence of the two offices is no longer necessary.

We need your help...

Dear user members

More than 400 associations, LETS and time banks use CommunityForge services for their operations and the management of their activities.

 It is thanks to the exceptional commitment of our volunteers that CommunityForge can offer you such a high quality service. For the day-to-day running of the site, we have found reinforcements with the arrival of several people who are just as much volunteers as the previous ones.

City policies for the commons collaborative economy

Narrative@communityforge collects stories for you, from all over the world,  that share the same core values of solidarity, cooperation and fairness. 

By Mayo Fuster Morell, May 28th, 2019



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